Why Evolution Nutrition

There are only four things driving your business.
Which one's important to you?
The simple fact is your clients will only work with you if you can deliver results.

And with research showing the combination of proper diet and exercise is more than 400% more effective than exercise alone at taking off and keeping off unwanted pounds*, you simply must be addressing what they eat.

* https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/center-news/2011/04/diet-plus-exercise.html
Keeping clients is one of the most important parts of any business.

Whether your clients use our powerful Self-Service option, or get a custom meal plan directly from you, it creates a valuable touch-point, even if they're not right in front of you. Studies show with each additional interaction you have with you clients, you can impact retention rates up to 80%.*

What does that mean to you?

Retention Impact Calculator:


* https://www.clubindustry.com/step-step/one-simple-tip-boost-member-retention-your-club
There are two typical ways Pros charge for Meal Planning:
Number One

A simple way to get going is to charge your clients for monthly access to their own, personal Evolution Nutrition account. There, they can easily use our powerful Self Service feature to be up and running on day 1.

What does that mean to you?

Revenue Impact Calculator:


Number Two

Once they're ready for the custom Meal Planning you can provide, a great way to quickly develop package and individual Meal Plan pricing is to use our Program Pricing Calculator.

Program Pricing Calculator:

Option 1   Option 2

Now that you've got everything you need to start delivering real results to your clients, their bound to refer their friends.

We gave them an easy way to do this from right within their accounts, but make sure you're asking for those too since research shows 41% of people who decide to work with a trainer based it on a referral.*

What does that mean to you?

Referral Impact Calculator:


* https://www.maonrails.com/blog/how-to-make-a-referral-program-your-gyms-most-powerful-marketing-tool/