Who Are The Best Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes in Each Sport?

Often the idea of a professional athlete that’s vegetarian or vegan is seen as being unfathomable. How could an athlete possibly compete professionally while living off a diet based on fruits, vegetables, and nuts?

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Foods and drink for exercise recovery

Best Food and Drinks for Active Recovery

A day or two after working out that uncomfortable feeling settles in – stiff, sore muscles that are sensitive to the touch, making even the lightest of daily activities a challenge. DOMS, also known as delayed onset muscle soreness, happens after strenuous exercise and causes tiny, microtears in muscle fibers. These microtears occur when force is applied while the muscles are lengthened, known as an eccentric muscle action.

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Virtual personal training

How to run virtual training classes?

Virtual training classes aren’t a novel idea. Fitness professionals have been delivering at home workouts to the public for generations through VHS tapes, DVD’s and now on-demand and streaming. The Information Age, or the Digital Age, has changed the accessibility and delivery methods available, allowing trainers to tap into a much wider audience and grow their business in ways that were previously unattainable.

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Low Carb vs Keto Diets

What's the Difference Between Keto and Low Carb Diets?

Low-carb and Keto diets get a lot of attention these days. Maybe some of your clients have approached you looking for answers about what the difference is.

The short answer is that all Keto diets are low-carb, but not all low-carb diets are Keto. For a low-carb diet to be called Keto, it needs to be low enough on carbs and high enough on the good kinds of fat.

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5 Tips for Helping Your Personal Training Clients Build Healthy Habits

My PT Hub | Evolution Nutrition Guest Blog

Meta Description: Encouraging clients make positive lifestyle choices is part of your job as a personal trainer. Use these tips to help them build healthy habits that stick!

5 Tips for Helping Your Personal Training Clients Build Healthy Habits

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New personal trainer advertising & marketing

How to Market Yourself as a New Personal Trainer

You’ve spent years training your body and mind to be a healthy and fit individual. Maybe you’ve dialed in your nutrition and you have made huge progress over the recent years. What’s next?


Well, if you want to help others through the same journey - becoming a Personal Trainer is one of the best ways to do this. It is a rewarding job that not only supports you financially but can also bring meaning and fulfillment to your life as you help your clients achieve greatness.

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How much to charge for meal plans?

How much do Personal Trainers charge for Meal Plans?

As a personal trainer you’ll find that your clients will have many different needs and the more value you can provide, the more the relationship will benefit and lead to long term success.


It goes without saying that nutrition is one of the most important aspects of overall health and fitness. The fuel you give your body allows you to perform, heal and live to your fullest as a healthy individual. Clients want to feel and look good as they live their lives.


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Branding tips to grow your fitness business

Branding for Personal Trainers

Branding, building a presence, and developing a roster of clients can be challenging.

As a fitness expert, you’ve probably come to realize that you don’t need thousands of clients to do well because you would be stretched in many directions, and you simply cannot be everywhere at once. The best approach is to run a lean training business with loyal, high-paying clients who can become your brand’s advocates.


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Vegetarian protein for your fitness goals

Protein for Vegetarian Athletes

One of the biggest concerns for vegetarian athletes has to do with protein. More specifically, how to get enough of it.


Under normal circumstances, athletes can get plenty of protein from sources like meat and poultry. But what if a person doesn’t want to eat these foods? Are they doomed to play catch-up on their protein intake forever, and would building muscle be an issue?


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Prospects into clients and grow your business

Turn Prospects Into Paying Clients With These 3 Strategies

Let me ask you this:  Are you struggling to make enough sales? Despite your efforts, you can’t seem to hit your goals and wonder what the problem is?  Do you ever feel like you should be making more sales?  And the worst part:

You’re dedicated to marketing yourself well, and you do everything you can to set yourself up for success. But despite all of that effort, you struggle.


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Pro Pro


Our most popular plan!

  • Ranging from 50–500 clients
  • For the pro that wants to take control of the details
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch

Enterprise Enterprise


  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch