
How to price Evolution Nutrition?

Now that you are empowered to provide professional meal plans, maybe the first question you have is “What should I charge?” We hear this question often, and the answer is… it depends. We have resisted assigning a specific price to the value you can deliver with an Evolution Nutrition meal plan because, as with all of the services you provide, that value varies. For many of your clients, professionally prepared meal plans can be a game-changer, a turning point in their health that will improve their quality of life forever – and that’s something that shouldn’t be sold short or overlooked. So how do you price a service that can be this life-changing? Here’s what we suggest. As a simple starting point, many of the fitness professionals using Evolution Nutrition charge what they would charge for one hour of training for basic plans, and twice their hourly rate for more detailed plans that include Food Logs and Activity Logs. But as you grow with this program, there's more to consider.


When determining price, think like a business owner.

From a practical standpoint, anytime you’re talking about pricing, it’s good idea to put on your business-owner hat and ask some questions. Consider the ongoing relationship you have with your client, and how this tool can give you more options in terms of continuing to deliver value over time, and grow your business doing it:

  • How motivated is your client to get results? If they're really motivated, create premium-priced intensive programs.
  • Are they likely to quickly achieve results, recognize the value, and continue with the meal plans you provide? Offer them a discounted rate when they come back for their second plan.
  • Have they seen your other clients achieve results with Evolution Nutrition? Make yourself the go-to resource for nutrition, and price your plans to work with the most people possible.
  • Are you providing meal plans to a group or a team? (You might be able to offer a volume discount). Build it into all of your programs to get everyone you work with exposed to the value of nutrition planning.
  • Can you bundle professional meal plans with the other services you provide and offer a discount that way? They're already paying you, just add value to what you can do for them, and you can charge more for any of your services.
  • Is your client likely to send quality referrals your way? Get them involved. Nothing works better than word of mouth; and give them a free training session for every referral.
  • Are you the only one around providing this type of service? Generate results, and watch your business blossom.


Think about it this way: This is not a retail purchase, where your customer puts a product on the counter, pays for it and leaves, and you might never see them again. You are in a relationship with your client, and professional meal plans from Evolution Nutrition are one service you offer. But it's a service that helps you strengthen your long-term engagement with your customer, and grow your business doing it – and that has tremendous value for you both. Let us know your thoughts and experiences related to pricing in the comments.

Pro Pro


Our most popular plan!

  • Ranging from 50–500 clients
  • For the pro that wants to take control of the details
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch

Enterprise Enterprise


  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch